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Citing and referencing for a piece of academic work we enable others to verify facts more easily.

Learn about the library rules and find out how to effectively find, borrow and renew literature.

Comfortable working space is highly important for students and staff, which we are happy to offer!

At your disposal are copy machines, scanners, and photocopiers that always work impeccably.

Our well-educated staff will help you to choose the right direction and material for your research.

Among our collections, you will find multiple archives with unique samples, articles, and books.

Pagėgių savivaldybės Vydūno viešoji biblioteka

Biudžetinė įstaiga
Adresas: Jaunimo g. 3, Pagėgiai
Tel. 8 441 57 328
El. p.
Duomenys kaupiami ir saugomi Juridinių asmenų registre, kodas 188208799

Darbo laikas:

I - V: 8:00 - 17:00

Paskutinė mėnesio darbo diena - švaros diena.
Lankytojai neaptarnaujami.
